Have Seen A Thin Fault Between Life And DeathLast year my brother (sudhir) experienced hurricane and I experienced floods for the first time in my life......
During my semester holidays I had been to Mumbai (as usual)....
...I was in Andheri (east). My cousin sis wanted to buy a PC ,so planned to meet the dealer that afternoon.. . We were in his office by about 2pm & when we came out of th
e office by about 3:20pm it was raining heavily.... oooohhhhh!!!! Didn’t notice that when we were inside...
Were waiting at the bus stop but din find and bus or taxi …. Then decided to walk home (about 6-8kms)… Water got accumulated on the road & was rising pretty quickly… I was enjoying the water rise.. We were walking on the divider, which was
submerged in water… … When reached Air Port road the water had raised to about 3&1/2feet … That was not a matter of worry for me ( coz of my height 6feet 3inches).. but could see other people finding it difficult to walk...
Just 15 min after we crossed a small bridge, water started flowing over the bridge and some people and bikes had flown with it.. That was a lucky escape We then reached the crossing of maroll.. had to cross the raod but water was flowing dangerously
When I was just about to cross the road, One old lady ( about 65yrs old) from behind called me to help her to get down from the divider and cross the road..She was with her Daughter (about 40yrs) and Granddaughter (about 20yrs) ... When I was helping the old lady to cross the road the other two shouted to leave her and help them and the old lady pleading to first let her cross… They were arguing with each other in Gujrathi. I could understand only a bit of it... .. I was totally amazed …that was a wonderful scene… (I was literally laughing)…. I then first helped the old lady then the other 2… ooh was how some people in order to save their own lives forget others…
As we moved further the water raised above my jeans pocket.. That time I had problems to walk, I was afraid that one wrong step or a slip would cost my life… I could see people getting out of their cars, sitting on the car roof etc. Some shoes, dupattas, bags etc was flowing with water and was obstructing us .... oohhh!!!! We reached home by ab
out 7pm..
The apartment is situated at some height hence there was no trouble there…But my younger cousin had not returned from college. Went down in search of her… but didn’t find her, we where there till about 11:30 and couldn’t contact home as our mobiles were jammed, & coz of power cut couldn’t see anything…it was a terrifying moment… We were tensed..
When we reached home found that younger cousin had reached home …. That relieved us….. But one thing for sure, if I was short I would not have survived... Thankful to God and my sister's presence of mind... coz if I would be alone would have waited to see the cars disappear in water not aware of the danger ahead.
HHHHuuuuuuuu this was the first time I had experienced floods and hope shpuld be the last...... I dont know how many typing mistakes i have made as dont have time to check..... I am sorry if any.... : ) and sorry if i bored you with a loooooooong post... ------Aj